Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here is the Plan!

Andrew and I will be going to South Africa in May of 2008. We leave Friday, May 16 and return Friday, May 30. We will be flying from Detroit Metro to Washington DC, change planes and fly directly to Johannesburg... over 15 hours and 8,128 miles! We will spend the night at the Zulu Nyala Country Manor. The next morning we will fly to Richard's Bay on the Indian Ocean and be driven to Zulu Nyala.
Zulu Nyala is a resort in the middle of three game preserves. We have a 6 night package that we bought at a Safari Club International dinner that includes two photo safaris each day. We added another two days for Andrew to hunt... he would like to take a blesbuck and an Impala (think weird looking deer.)

On Monday, May 26 we will then fly back to Johannesburg and change planes to fly to Cape Town. We will spend 3 nights at the Victoria & Alfred Hotel on the Ocean. The first full day we will take a tour bus to the Cape of Good Hope... the most south and west point of the African continent... and see penguins.

We will start our journey back on May 29... Cape Town to Johannesburg to Washington DC to Detroit Metro, and arrive 30 hours later on Friday, May 30. The flight to Washington DC will take over 18 hours with one stop for fuel!

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