Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21- Setting Our Sights

Went on a game drive in the reserve this morning.  Saw a hippo in a shallow watering hole.  He was less happy to see us, though.  When hippos open their mouths wide like that, it means they are getting angry!

Went trap shooting in the afternoon with Jane, Jim, and the resident professional hunter, Rory.  It was the first time shooting shotgun for Jane and Jim, so Rory and Andrew helped them get acquainted with the sport.  Andrew also sighted in the rifle he will be using when we go hunting.  It's a .308 and Andrew really likes it!

We also moved from the tented camp to the Game Lodge today.  The Lodge is situated on one of the mountains in the reserve itself.  Very cool place, with many animals coming up into the courtyard for a visit!

Female Nyala

Bull Nyala

Kudu, the "Gray Ghost"

Grumpy Hippo

Water Buffalo

Refreshing Wallow

Jane's 1st Trap-Shoot

Trying out the .308

Our new room at the Game Lodge

Pretty Flowering Bush

Young Male Nyala

Evening Snack

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